Saturday, June 9, 2012

Beware of "Cash Miscounting Fraud Attempts"

I don't know how many of us are already a victim of this fraud and is not even aware of it. I found a repeated cheating attempt in Petrol bunks today and thought I should let others know of this. 

Today I went to a petrol bunk and filled petrol for Rs.250. I gave him a Rs. 1000 and then a Rs.50 note. So he owes me Rs.800. He took the change from his bag and counted 3  Rs.100 currency notes and a single Rs.500 currency note in front of me by moving the currency from one hand to another, folded the currency notes and gave it to me. I unfolded them and found that there are only 2 Rs.100 currency notes(instead of 3) and a single Rs.500 currency note. Once I counted them, he immediately took another Rs.100 note and gave it to me and moved on to the next person immediately.

He has attempted a simple miscounting of the currencies which is not observed by most of us. Most of us have the tendency to just get the cash and put it in our wallet without counting, if it is counted by the other person in front of us. It is easy for anyone to count the same currency note twice by moving the hands rapidly creating a fake impression that the currency is transferred from one hand to another(even if it is not).

I faced a similar situation in another petrol bunk few months back when I asked for change for a Rs.500 note. He counted with Rs.100 notes by moving the currency note from one hand to another 5 times and finally when I counted it had just 4 notes. When he saw me checking the amount, he took another Rs.100 and gave it to me.

There are more chances of oversight when we are in a hurry. If a person is safely able to play this game to 10 persons in a single day, he can get Rs.1000 per day which adds up to Rs.30,000 per month.  Although both the  experiences I had on this attempt happened in  petrol bunks, this is potentially happening in many different places where money is floating around on crowded areas. It is better for us to be more alert to avoid such incidences.

If you want to try this, take 3 Rs.100 currency notes in your left hand. Using your right hand, take the first note from the left hand. Quickly, move your right hand once again towards the left hand but instead of actually taking the next note, just move your right hand away with the previous single Rs.100 currency. Nobody can easily observe that you haven't taken the second currency. You can perfect this miscounting in less than 2 minutes training.  I'm writing this to create an awareness of such cheat attempts, not to encourage you to do the same trick ;-)

I decided to complain to the person in-charge if it ever happens again in any public services. If we all start to raise voice on such incidences, such fraud attempts will start to reduce.

Please be aware of this and be careful whenever you deal with money. There are numerous faces for greediness and you never know how many faces the strangers you are dealing with has. So, "be smart and be alert".

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